Motoi Kanamori
2018年6月、自身のリーダーアルバム"My Soul Meeting"を発表し、同年夏、全国ツアーを敢行し、各地で好評を得る。
2019年2月、メキシコのジャズ番組にてアルバム"My Soul Meeting"の特集が放送され好評を得る。
2020年7月、自己のトリオにストリングスカルテットをゲストに迎えた意欲作、2ndアルバム"Invisible World"を発表。
2022年12月に東京FMホールにて、金森もといトリオwith Stringsのコンサートを開催し、好評を得る。また同コンサートを収録した3rdアルバム"The Live"を翌2023年6月に発表。
現在は自己のトリオはじめ、Lew Tabackin(ts)、山下洋輔(pf)カルテット、福田重男(pf)トリオ、中村恵介(tp)クインテット、大井貴司(vib)カルテットなど様々なユニットで、日本全国はもとより、海外にもその活動範囲を広げている。
Motoi Kanamori was born in 1983.
He spent a high school in the United State where he listened to the Jazz for the first time.
In 2003, he came back to Japan to enter the Gunma University and started playing double bass in the Jazz club activity.
In 2007, as he moved to Tokyo to enter the University Tokyo institute of technology, he started playing in the Jazz scene of Tokyo.
In 2009, although he graduated and got a master's degree of technology, he decided to be a Jazz bassist.
He learned how to play the bass by himself.
In 2012, he joined Japan tour with Vincent Herring(as) and Eric Alexander(ts).
He did a live recording at Jazz club Smoke in NYC with Vincent and Eric in 2014.
In the same year, he joined second Japan tour with them.
In 2014, he joined China tour as a bassist of Yuichiro Tokuda(as) quartet
In2015, he joined Shanghi Jazz festival with Keisuke Nakamura(tp) quintet.
In 2016, he joined the third Japan tour with Vincent Herring and Eric Alexander.
In 2017, he did a recording with Vincent Herring, Eric Alexander, Anthony Wonsey(pf), and Erena Terakubo(as) in NYC and Joined Japan tour.
Since 2019, he is touring all over Japan as a member of Lew Tabackin Trio every year.
The record of his original trio "My Soul Meeting" was released in 2018 which was picked up in a radio in Germany and Mexico.
He released 2nd album "Invisible World" in 2020, and 3rd album "The Live" in 2023.
His trio started to tour around all over Japan since 2018, and his sophisticated original compositions and his very unique arrangement of Jazz standards fascinated people.
Now his piano trio is very popular in Janan and Europe.